Channel: Tarot Reading for the Collective – Tarot Readings with Psychic Sarah
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Tarot Reading for the Collective ~ May 2017


 Dear Collective,

Welcome to another month, and another Tarot Reading for the Collective. This month I am using the Pentimento Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert. Joanna is an artist and teacher who I met at Readers Studio (an international tarot readers conference in NYC) in 2015 & 2016. I have her Gaian Tarot deck as well, and eagerly look to see what she creates, which I can regularly catch up with on her Instagram.

Perhaps Pentimento Tarot is an anniversary deck for me, as I used it for the Tarot Reading for the Collective in May of last year, and in the same month it was also used in my wedding ceremony in the Redwoods of Oakland, California!

This month also marks 14 years since I went full-time as a professional tarot reader. I didn’t start tarot reading professionally with the idea that it would become such an important part of my life, but 14 years later I am still so very grateful to have this as the work that allows me to exist in the world in a way that fits with my heart and my ethics.

This month’s questions for the tarot cards are:

What must we strive to remember?

What can we afford to forget?

What should we revere?

What will help us share what we are discovering in our hearts?

Let us begin!

1. What must we strive to remember?

The Lovers

The Lovers - Pentimento Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert

Strive to remember that there are those who do seek alignment, practice compassion and love fearlessly, despite what the news may tell you. Remember that love is expansive and full, and anyone who tries to limit it conditionally is thwarting their own capacity for receiving glorious attentive love (whether platonic or otherwise).

Remember that I am right here beside you, at all times, sharing the merits of loving kindness, even when you are too deep in the abyss to notice. I don’t need you to acknowledge me, I am just happy for those brief moments of respite when you look into my eyes and can see that your heart has company.

Remember that the road is long, that there is always more to explore, and that one day that road will end. So don’t ignore those who are gathered around you, hearts wide open, with the deluded belief that there will always be more time. Connect now with the ones your heart sings to. Why wait for eulogies to express your gratitude and respect?

2. What can we afford to forget?

Hanged Man

The Hanged Man - Pentimento Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert

Forget the perspectives that never renew themselves, that keep you stuck and irate. Forget the ones who confined you to a particular role and never thought to check back in on you to see if you had grown.

Forget the fear that keeps you from being comfortable with the mystery, and forget the stories that – intentionally or unintentionally – have had lies woven into them over time.

Forget the conditionings that keep you believing the arrogant statement, “that’s just the ways things are”.

Forget that you belong to anyone and they to you. You are your own beings and can choose to walk consciously and considerately with each other without any notion of ownership.

3. What should we revere?

Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune - Pentimento Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert

Revere the names that are no longer spoken, revere the contributions that were never recorded. Revere the spaces between words and the choice for deep silence. But revere also the noise that is required to combat the injustices that are taking place.

Revere the wheel that keeps on spinning whether you are alive or dead. Revere the invisible knowledge that whispers, “One day you will be forgotten.” Perhaps not for many years after you spin out of your flesh, but forgotten you will be.

Revere the relief that comes from open conversations with honest people, those who are with you for the sheer love of it. Revere your capacity to rise from the pit, and the autonomous power you can manifest.

4. What will help us share what we are discovering in our hearts?


Death - Pentimento Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert

Nothing like a death to get people gushing about their love for the deceased, and trying to mend connections with those still here. Don’t wait for a death to bring my wisdom forth, dear friends.

I will help you share what you are discovering in your hearts by taking you back to the moment just before the lies started to set in. Just before the beliefs about yourself and others became gospel, and just before you decided to ignore your intuition for the first time. By identifying those preliminary moments, you can let me bury those old states once and for all. No doubt there are grave-diggers amongst you, and poetically sentimental types too, but bury I will. And as the lies and worn-out belief systems and ignored intuitions disintegrate like compost in the earth, I help you share a love that is so old your mouth can barely shape the words.

Let me remind you of the impermanence of all things, and that by truly appreciating your time together you can unlock deep places in the heart that have no need to be ignored. Why suppress that which can be freely given and can bring such clear connection? Don’t be cagey with your love, your heart has no time for it.

More about Death:

At Readers Studio in 2016, once I had bought the Pentimento Tarot from Joanna, I was looking at the original artworks on her table, trying to figure out which one I wanted. The Emperor was there, which is my birth card, though my eyes kept straying towards the Death card. I was drawn to it, but I was wondering about the implications of choosing the Death card and the energetic repercussions of that choice. So I continued to mull it over while getting on with the rest of the conference. During a rest period I firmed my resolve and decided that the Death card would be mine!

I walked confidently towards Joanna’s merchant table and announced over the noise of the room, “I want to buy Death!”


“I want to buy Death.”

“But… you got your deck already…?” [there was a heady mix of a noisy room and an Australian accent going on here!]

“No, [pointing to the Death artwork], I want to buy Death!”

“Ohh!!” [laughs]

Three times I had to say it! There must be magic in that.

Later, when we hugged goodbye, she said into my ear, “I am so glad you got Death”.

Death card original by Joanna Powell Colbert

And here it is, ‘Death’ – in its place on my mantlepiece, as a daily reminder for release and renewal.

© Sarah Barry ~ Tarot Readings with Psychic Sarah 2017

This Tarot Reading for the Collective was done with the Pentimento Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert. These images are reproduced here with her permission.  For more information about her work and this tarot deck, go to www.gaiansoul.com.

If you want a more personalised reading, go here to make an appointment. To find out more about how I work go to  sarahthepsychic.com/about/ and sarahthepsychic.com/faq/

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Pentimento Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert.jpg

Pentimento Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert

Filed under: Blog, Tarot Reading for the Collective Tagged: community tarot reading, divination, free tarot reading, May Tarot Reading, pentimento tarot, professional tarot, psychic sarah, sarah barry, tarot cards, tarot community, tarot reader, tarot reading, tarot reading for the collective

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