Channel: Tarot Reading for the Collective – Tarot Readings with Psychic Sarah
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Tarot Reading for the Collective ~ February 2018


Dear Collective,

For this month’s Tarot Reading for the Collective, I am using a tarot deck only recently released ~ Dust II Onyx: A Melanated Tarot Deck by Courtney Alexander. It’s a beautiful deck depicting cultural myths, symbolism, history and icons within the Black Diaspora. This deck was funded by Kickstarter and the first edition completely sold out! Courtney is currently taking pre-orders for the 2nd edition, and there is also an option to sponsor a deck for a healer in need.

The questions for February are:

What must we learn to see?

What must we learn to protect?

What must we learn to cut?

What must we learn to embrace?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. What must we learn to see?

Papa Coin

Papa Coin - Dust II Onyx by Courtney Alexander.jpg

Let us learn to see our own reflections with kindliness. Let us see all of our anger, mistakes, dissatisfactions and fears with the knowingness of an elder with the wisdom of experiential knowledge. Let us learn to see ourselves in all our frustrations with the understanding that there is a path through all of this gunk. And while the path may not be easy sometimes, seeing ourselves with benevolence will enable us to better understand the importance of holding ourselves dear, and not letting anyone else’s projected negativities squash our innate power.

2. What must we learn to protect?

Ace of Gourds

Ace of Gourds - Dust II Onyx by Courtney Alexander.jpg

Let us learn to protect the precious flow of life, our sources of water and the source of our tears. Let us not push away the emotions that build the tears, but rather, protect all the layers of feelings with as steady and firm a gaze as we can muster. Looking at what dwells deep within means we know more about how we can start to crack apart, so that we can then better protect our deeper spaces from those who might poke and jab without care or understanding for our ways of being.

3. What must we learn to cut?

Nine of Blades

Nine of Blades - Dust II Onyx by Courtney Alexander.jpg

Cut the creepy stories that tell you lies about the state of the world, and your place within it. Cut away at the push to let go of the life jacket and sink down down deep deep – NO! Cut at the nightmares that disguise themselves as realities. If you’re needing extra help, go back to Papa Coin and Ace of Gourds and sit with them some more. Who in your life is Papa Coin? Who is Ace of Gourds? Even a memory will help at this point with the Nine of Blades. Cut out the statement, ‘that’s just the way things are’, and reach out for a story that ignites rather than deflates.

4. What must we learn to embrace?

The Shaman

The Shaman - Dust II Onyx by Courtney Alexander.jpg

Embrace the power that comes with seeing things as they really are, and all the reverence and spaciousness that arises with that awareness. Embrace the stories and actions of the wise ones around you, those who keep striving to wake up with every passing moment. Learning to embrace your own wisdom means that you’re no longer buying the story of how you are supposed to fit into society, depending on the prejudices of the era. Embracing The Shaman means you are reaching beyond the veils of pretence and exposing a reality that has more clarity than we can bear to take in. Let us at least try.

© 2018 Sarah Barry ~ Tarot Readings with Psychic Sarah

This Tarot Reading for the Collective was done with Dust II Onyx: A Melanated Tarot Deck by Courtney Alexander (images used with permission). For more information about this deck and to pre-order the 2nd edition go to dust2onyx.com . You can also check out Courtney’s Instagram: @dust2onyxtarot , and don’t forget about the amazing deck sponsorship program if you would like to donate some dollars towards a healer in need!

To find out more about how I work go to  sarahthepsychic.com/about/ and sarahthepsychic.com/faq/

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Dust II Onyx by Courtney Alexander.jpg

Dust II Onyx by Courtney Alexander

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