Dear Collective,
For this final Tarot Reading for the Collective for 2018, I thought I’d draw upon the wisdom of Ellen Lorenzi-Prince’s Dark Goddess Tarot. This deck is a favourite of mine, and one of the four decks that sit on my tarot table for clients to choose from.
It’s a favourite for many of my clients too – my copy was getting so well-worn that I ordered another one for my office (and another for my home so it’s always on hand). If you love the look of these cards too, I recommend you buy yourself a copy soon as there are under 100 copies left and Lorenzi-Prince has no plans to reprint. This is it! This is also the case for her Tarot of the Crone deck . (You can peruse a Tarot Reading for the Collective using the Tarot of the Crone here and here.)
This month’s questions are:
What do we need to look at differently?
What do we need to renew?
Where do we need to focus our righteous anger?
What needs to be created?
Let’s begin!
1. What do we need to look at differently?
Fool ~ Sheela Na Gig
Sheela Na Gig says we need to look at vulvas differently! That we must acknowledge the vulva as both the gateway to the universe (hey it’s the most common way we enter this world, right?) and a place with an extraordinary capacity for pleasure (the clitoris has around 8000 nerve endings, whilst the penis has around 4000).
We must open up to stories that celebrate those with vulvas as strong and powerful beings, capable of strength beyond what our conditioning would have us believe. The vulva is sovereign territory that demands respect from anyone who seeks to get up close and personal. Overwhelmingly obvious enthusiastic consent? Go right ahead! Anything less than that? Back away and take responsibility for your own desires. Don’t inflict your lack of self-control onto anyone.
And from the Fool: Open up to ideas that encourage flexibility and strength. Look at the ways in which you take risks, and allow yourself to go deeper into the old thoughts about yourself and see what you can dismantle before you take the next step. Be unapologetic as you endeavour to create more ways in which authenticity reigns supreme.
2. What do we need to renew?
Amazon of Water ~ Scylla
Scylla [pronounced skulla] says renew your boundaries – all of them! Decide on what is non-negotiable and protect your decision with the clearest communication you can muster. Enjoy standing up for what you believe in and savour the empowerment that comes with holding strong in the face of divisive tactics and patronisation.
And from the Amazon of Water: Renew your commitment to situations where there is respect for how you show up. Renew your relationships with people who aren’t afraid of hearing you speak your mind. Restore self-trust in the decisions you make daily to help you get through the challenging sensations. Revive your capacity for self-protection by letting things fall that cannot keep up with your growth.
3. Where do we need to focus our righteous anger?
Alchemy (Temperance) ~ Brigid
Brigid says focus your righteous anger on those who cannot see the utter strength and resilience you bring to your interactions with life. Bring your sharp attentiveness to those who cherrypick from particular texts to discriminate whilst ignoring the overall message of compassion. Burn away the pain of being ignored and bring your energy to more beautifully empowering things.
And from Alchemy: Focus your righteous anger towards situations that don’t allow space for mystery and self-autonomy. Be clear with people when you see them step out of wholeness, and be just as clear with yourself also.
Fire up the righteous anger towards systems that are so ingrained in our consciousness that many people cannot even see their abuses. Call out and call in the overt and covert displays of racism, sexism, transphobia, whorephobia, homophobia, Islamophobia, ableism, fatphobia, and anything else that positions certain members of society above others through a series of cultural laws designed to maintain institutions of power.
See what happens when you allow yourself to get mad. Let that anger stir action that empowers the disenfranchised and brings life back into balance. Don’t let the anger burn you up – let it help you break up old stories that are no longer tolerable. From there things may flow more justly.
4. What needs to be created?
Eight of Water ~ Sedna
Sedna says create new ways of seeking bodily wisdom. Get to know all the parts of yourself that were pulled in different directions by the greed and ignorance and insecurities of others. Create visions that come from dark places, knowing that the dark is a beautiful and extraordinary space to inhabit. Deep lessons come from shadowy waters, and what is created from there resists and redefines the lies we have been told about the ‘light’.
And from the Eight of Water: Create space for the wisdom that comes from time spent alone, as well as from conversations with trusted ones who know how to dive beneath the bright frivolous chattering with little-to-no warmup. Go to places that help you feel love in the world, even if those places awaken sadness too. Trust that those who truly care will never judge you, and with that awareness create new pathways for yourself that reflect your ever-growing commitment to developing internal peace (as slow as that may feel at times).
© Sarah Barry ~ Tarot Readings with Psychic Sarah 2018
This Tarot Reading for the Collective was done with the Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince. These images are used here with her permission. More information about this powerful deck at
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