Dear Collective, this month I was inspired by a Facebook post by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince: she did a reading for these times, pulling one card from each of her tarot decks (plus one from her latest deck – the She Who Watches Oracle. I am currently awaiting its arrival in my letterbox!). I asked for her permission to do this style of reading for this month’s Tarot Reading for the Collective, which she graciously granted.
So the Tarot Reading for the Collective for June features the Tarot of the Crone, the Dark Goddess Tarot, the Minoan Tarot, and the Kali Tarot Prayer Cards, all by the inimitable Ellen Lorenzi-Prince.
I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again – all of Lorenzi-Prince’s decks hold a depth and magic that is not easily found in the tarot deck market. When using her tarot cards for myself, my heart often gets a bit of a kicking [understatement] – there is nowhere to hide and I am forced to look head on at what the image is asking of me. Don’t ask a question of her decks unless you’re ready to hear the answer. Otherwise you might find yourself in the ol’ “…best of three!…” scenario, which never quite yields the desired result.
This month’s questions are:
What do we need to acknowledge rather than ignore?
What do we need to amplify, rather than diminish?
What do we need to create rather than destroy?
What do we need to embrace, rather than be in fear of?
Let’s begin.
1. What do we need to acknowledge rather than ignore?
XII Sacrifice – Tarot of the Crone
We can acknowledge the pain that we experience. Or, if our pain is the discomfort of recognising and comprehending inequity and our own privilege, we must strive to sit with that. We can also acknowledge the powerful creative actions that minority groups have been delivering to the wider community for centuries.
As a Collective we are being asked to be accountable for our ignorance and we are being asked to educate ourselves, and listen, deeply. The discomfort that comes with this work is never to be diminished, ignored, or bypassed with a perky positive affirmation.
It is to be tasted, swallowed, digested and passed through us transformed. It is time to acknowledge that the rigid belief systems that we have absorbed mess with our common sense and empathy and keep us apart from those with whom we might otherwise be capable of finding common ground.
Why do we choose to keep ourselves steeped in ignorance? Why can’t we embrace the grounding realisation our lives are better when we are being real with ourselves and our loved ones? Life can still be hard, but it’s much harder when we trap ourselves in false comforts.
The niggling feeling that you might be missing the point won’t magically disappear by closing your eyes.
2. What do we need to amplify, rather than diminish?
Hag of Air ~ Dhumavati – Dark Goddess Tarot
It’s time to amplify the voices that authoritative powers have tried to drown out for so long. Amplify those who have the vast wisdom that comes with lived experience.
Amplify the wisdom of those who may not have had access to the same opportunities due to prejudice and deliberately manipulated education.
See the mess that is splattered around our communities and notice who is trying to clean it up. The mess is the lies we have been taught. The clean up is the spotlight on the lies, forcing us into new understandings and connection.
Examine established structures from a new angle: take the British Museum for instance. Is it a quiet, wealthy, respectable institution of artefacts and learning? Or is it the largest collection of stolen goods on the planet?
Amplify clear thinking, common sense and intuition. These qualities are never to be diminished.
3. What do we need to create rather than destroy?
Sea Five – Minoan Tarot
Let’s create new storylines that allow vulnerable voices to steadily share the extraordinary beauty and clarity they have been previously been expected or even forced to hide.
Create safe spaces that allow plenty of room for truthful living, without fear of verbal or physical violence. And without fear of micro aggressions and well-meaning ‘slip-ups’ and “it wasn’t my intention to cause harm”s.
Create stories that weave our lives together rather than rip them apart. Let’s actualise the alchemy of underground movements and bring them close enough to the surface so that mainstream thought can get a taste of what is magic for a change.
Notice what has already been created by powerful and generous-hearted people. Don’t destroy that. Watch, listen, and act from a place of humility.
4. What do we need to embrace, rather than be in fear of?
XI Justice – Kali Tarot Prayer Cards
Embrace a Justice that looks different to the neat, orderly version we might have been taught. Justice isn’t necessarily about order and rules – it can be initially chaotic and unwieldy, but ultimately a powerful place to realise our true human potential.
We don’t have to have a charismatic or fierce or a punitive leader to look up to for paternalistic safety. We can look to our ourselves for inner guidance, our communities for collective experience and wisdom, and tentatively start to trust in our capacities to maintain peace without having to resort to force and authoritative measures that are steeped in prejudicial bias. May we reject the limited teaching that ‘that’s just the way things are’. May we not be afraid of the initial mess. May we embrace our common ground and recognise we are kin.
From the text on the back of this card:
‘When you fight on the side of the Mother
The demons cannot win
And they will never destroy everything
Only the infinite Kali
May declare that sentence’
© Sarah Barry ~ Tarot Readings with Psychic Sarah 2020
This Tarot Reading for the Collective was done with was done with Tarot of the Crone, Dark Goddess Tarot, Minoan Tarot and the Kali Tarot Prayer Cards, all by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince. You can learn more about her work at and . These images are used here with her permission.
If you want a more personalised reading, go here to make an appointment. To find out more about how I work go to and