This month I am using a deck that I resisted acquiring for a few years. Not sure why, really. Then one day a friend posted a tarot spread using The Wild Unknown on Instagram and it grabbed me! I ordered it that very day. Now that I have it in my possession I can’t imaging why I wouldn’t have wanted its powerful beauty in my life. Now you all get to gaze upon its fabulousness, too. So let us begin.
What more could we want than a stag with rainbow antlers? And not just that, a stag with a vibrating pentacle emanating from between those said rainbow antlers. Oh, Father (King) of Pentacles, what messages do you bring us this month?
I bring you news of a way forward. A way forward that combines creative verve with grounded insight. I allow you all to gaze upon a future pathway that makes sense to you and inspires you completely. I also remind you to turn away from those who seem content to lie and withhold. Don’t let their pained way of existing, get in your way.
And if you need help with dealing with the pained ones, come to meee!
The Hierophant? Welcome and hello! How will you help The Collective right now?
By cracking open your minds and shoving in some strong insights about the need to just stay strong, pay attention and call out the discrepancies! Navigating the world can be tricky at times. All you humans can get so stuck in your ways. And even though I, the Hierophant, may have a reputation for being somewhat stubborn at times, it takes one to know one! So gather your wits, stay strong in your resolve and keep on chipping away at problems that at times seem insurmountable. It will shift eventually, much like a bolt of lightning!
And then come to me for a bit of calm and repose.
Oh, the Empress, thank goodness.
Thank goodness already? It’s only the beginning my friends. Stay with me a while to remind yourselves of the need to stay grounded and real. I will help you quieten your monkey mind by drawing you back into your body. Are you feeling restless? Are you feeling ill-at-ease or anxious? You’re better able to deal with these things if you are being kind to your body. So do that, and watch how easily your intuition unfurls. Now go forth to the Two of Cups for a deeper understanding of commitment.
Yes, commitment, and I don’t want to hear any of you lot saying you are afraid of it. What I’m talking about is the joy that comes when you consciously choose situations that feel strong to you. I help you weave presence and mutuality into your lives, and I let you feel good about leaning into paths that inspire change and growth. Commitment with the help of the Two of Cups is commitment that moves and shifts with the seasons of life. Nothing dull going on here.
And now it’s my turn! Hello my friends!
Hello The Fool. Please grace us with your wisdom.
Righto! Well, here I am with the branch. And there you are, feeling a bit stagnant, over it, and in need of a breath of fresh air. Let me be your fresh air! Let me be your bold leap into the unrelenting cosmic whirlpool! You can have one round with me before the seriousness of The Emperor. So bound off strongly my friends, and pull at the curtains as you land so that you can expose any secrets you’ve been keeping from yourself!
Well, I may be serious, but I do like to think that I can offer a kind of stability that keeps you feeling so uniquely ‘you’, that you are able to make clear decisions in amongst all the turmoil that humans are so deft at creating.
Welcome Emperor, please take this reading to a close.
My Collective, by reconnecting with your sensible sides this month, I assist you in being mindful of the mental pollution that arises when judging others. I want you to all stand strong and bright this month. I want you to open up to possibilities that might seem impossible when you are feeling tired and jaded. I want you to feel that you can strive for bolder action, and I want you to trust that you can protect your beautiful heart from the madness of a greedy and spiritually thwarted society.
Stand with me this month when you need to clear your head, and when you want to trust that the world isn’t out to get you. There are bigger stories unfolding here, and it is up to all of us to be ready to take on the responsibility of moving consciously towards enlightenment. Strive on, dear Collective!
© Sarah Barry ~ Tarot Readings with Psychic Sarah 2015
This Tarot Reading for the Collective was done with The Wild Unknown Tarot © Kim Krans of The Wild Unknown 2008-2012
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Filed under: Blog, Tarot Reading for the Collective Tagged: free tarot reading, psychic, psychic sarah, sarahthepsychic, September Tarot Reading, tarot, tarot reading, tarot reading for the collective, The Wild Unknown Tarot