Dearest Collective,
This month I return to the Pagan Otherworlds Tarot by Uusi both for its beauty, and for how sleekly the cards slip in my hands as I shuffle them. I wish to get straight to the point with this deck, so here are the questions for August:
What weighs upon our psyche?
What challenges us to grow?
What will push us forward?
Where is our power?
Let us begin!
1. What weighs upon our psyche?
Queen of Wands
What weighs upon the Collective’s psyche? The promise that life was going to be full of sunflowers if you just try and fit in and follow the rules. Then the growing realisation that even those who were playing by the rules were still struggling, and that those who couldn’t fit in were an oddly strange, complex and chaotic mix of glittery shiny beauty, who were on one hand thriving and empowering others, but on the other, being vilified and even killed.
I am weighing upon you now, my Collective, as a weaver of beauty and power, and of mystery and meaning, as well as an elusive force that forever stays out of your reach. When will the Collective’s conditionings erode themselves to a point where people can talk sense instead of cutting my wand with the horror of ignorance? I am but a step away, but I am weary of weaving stories that only the disenfranchised can hear.
2. What challenges us to grow?
Seven of Pentacles
What challenges us to grow? Small steps. Small, solid, careful steps, plodding along, perhaps not seeing the end of the tunnel, but not needing to see it in order to carry on. I come to you to keep you on the path, and to dissolve the urge to look for lazy ways of avoiding accountability. I stand with you to make sure your growth is hard-earned, and that there is no cheating on this exam of life. Of course, there WILL be those who do cheat their way ahead, but their rewards are empty and full of internal strife. There is no longterm escape from lack of personal and community responsibility. Stick with me to know how far you’ve come. And know that your success lies not in how much you do, but how consistently you connect with your heart as you move forward.
3. What will push us forward?
Nine of Swords
What will push us forward? The sneaking suspicion that there are those amongst us looking to chain our creative wisdom. But know that what you have is the knowledge of what it is to sit with discomfort. I will push you forward by helping you face the discomforts rather than suppress them. You will no longer be able to tolerate behaviours that slice at your integrity and might. My passage is not easeful, but it awakens wisdom that cannot be chained, that will forever be unwieldy in its capacity to keep rising, keep growing, keep awakening.
4. Where is our power?
Queen of Pentacles
Where is our power? It is in the silent and quiet reach for the rose in the storm, reminding us that there is so much love in this existence – inexplicably – despite all the lies that roll out over the continents from the those who have been granted too much false power.
OUR power is in the in-between moments, the pauses and the breaths, the dance-moves and the embraces, the heart-to-heart conversations that take place everywhere across this life-cycle, drawing us all in, and reminding us of who we are and how we can become more ourselves all the time.
More or less effort, it doesn’t matter, as long as our movements are a true representation of how creative our minds can be when we unchain them from the cliches and the tired old tropes that suffocate any free-spirited notion that our lives and thoughts and bodies could actually be our own. Sovereign. Embrace me, as I embrace you.
© Sarah Barry ~ Tarot Readings with Psychic Sarah 2017
This Tarot Reading for the Collective was done with the Pagan Otherworlds Tarot by Uusi.
© 2016 Uusi Printed in Taiwan by The Expert Playing Card Company New York, New York 10001. These images are used here with their permission.
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Filed under: Blog, Tarot Reading for the Collective Tagged: August Tarot Reading, community tarot reading, divination, free tarot reading, pagan otherworlds tarot, professional tarot, psychic sarah, sarah barry, Sydney tarot, Sydney tarot reader, tarot reader, tarot reading, tarot reading for the collective