Dear Collective,
This month I am using a beautiful community tarot deck, The Elora Tarot Deck, conceived by Shelley Carter. She invited sixty-five local artists from the village Elora in Ontario, Canada, to create the 78 tarot card images – quite the undertaking! This is a unique and creative tarot deck, and I am happy to have it in my collection.
This month’s questions are:
What do we need to get ready for?
What requires our ongoing attention?
Where can we best direct our energy?
What do we need to be practical about?
Let’s begin.
1. What do we need to get ready for?
Three of Swords
We must prepare to let go of fantasies that do nothing but hold us back from facing the reality of our situation. We need to pull our heads out of the sand, take a look around, see what isn’t working, and make changes. If we are able to identify where we have been fooling ourselves, there is room for so much more clarity and inspiration. We need to get ready for clear, inspired movement that requires dedicated work to discover.
2. What requires our ongoing attention?
Two of Cups
We need to pay constant attention to our relationships, whether platonic, romantic, community based, or otherwise. By observing the ways in which people around us are growing, we give ourselves the ongoing opportunity to recommit to supporting our relationships in intelligent, considerate, and loving ways. Commitment does not have to be scary or difficult – it is a natural extension of gratitude and radical witnessing.
3. Where can we best direct our energy?
King of Wands
Let us direct our energy towards challenges that can dampen our resolve. Direct your energy with assertiveness and verve towards your dreams – even if they are idealistic dreams that at times seem impossible even to imagine. The King of Wands grants us space to take actions that may not always result in clear solutions, but by golly do we get our internal fires pumping in the interim! With that extra energy we can face problems that are personal, local and global with stamina and resilience, whether or not we are still around to see the results.
4. What do we need to be practical about?
The Devil
Yes. Be practical about The Devil rather than superstitious and fearful about The Devil. For sure, be wary of the doubts and manipulations our own minds create to stop us from living to our full potential – but be clear: this archetype is just an aspect of your own psyche. Be practical when considering that the creeping feeling that everything is doomed is most likely what morally corrupt oligarchs wold have you believe in order to maintain control. While there is evidence of a whole lot of horror happening around the planet, there are also practical solutions that are very accessible when our minds aren’t being manipulated.
So, be practical! Check your sources. Question why certain people or corporations want you to think in a particular way. Question why minority groups are labelled as ‘bullies’ by people or institutions with a lot of power and leverage in society. Question why you are being asked to vilify anyone who seems to be different from you. Get beyond this. Take back your mind.
© Sarah Barry ~ Tarot Readings with Psychic Sarah 2020
This Tarot Reading for the Collective was done with The Elora Tarot Deck, conceived and coordinated by Shelley Carter. You can find out more about this beautiful community deck at
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