Dear Collective,
For this month’s Tarot Reading for the Collective I am using The Prisma Visions Tarot by James R. Eads. This is a unique deck, in which one can place the cards of the four Minor Arcana suits down chronologically with each image leading into the next until it forms one big beautiful picture. Here’s an example, using the suit of Swords (the background is my Temperance towel I bought from The Hermit’s Lamp)
The questions for July are:
What would be wise for us to seek?
What would be wise for us to protect?
What does stability look like right now?
How can we regain our trust in the mystery?
Let’s begin!
1. What would be wise for us to seek?
The Magician
Perhaps we could seek inspiration in unexpected places; we could explore the things that we might have been taught to scoff at; we could seek to know community rather than shunning others. Perhaps we could seek counsel not from those who tell us what to think/who to hate/who to devote our lives to – but instead from people who ask us to figure it out ourselves/with love/while leading by example. Why are we seeking quick solutions? Whatever happened to a lifetime of learning how to grow and be better versions of ourselves?
2. What would be wise for us to protect?
Page of Chalices
There is wisdom in protecting our hearts from people who would rather attempt to harm others rather than bravely action honest self-examination. It would be wise to protect beautiful dreams from corrupt minds and fragile egos. Protect the precious hopes that linger within us despite the general chaos of life. There is wisdom in spending time with those who share their vulnerability with us, and sit with ours, as we navigate life with all its strange twists and turns. Protect the flow of all that connects us with existence.
3. What does stability look like right now?
The Devil
Right now stability looks like the dream where you are walking alone through the woods, and you’re wondering if you are the only person left alive on this Earth. But of course – you are not – and you don’t want to be tricked into thinking that it is safer to walk alone rather than connect in community. Stability is embodying the knowledge that the fear of aloneness and emptiness is not a reality but a powerful suggestion. Stability is recognising that an exciting goal promising good fortune isn’t going to cut the mustard here – instead, it would pay to look around to see who you can talk with and listen to. Sharing stories will lead to trust in the strength of community, and give birth to inspiration so that there is always someone who is remembering the effectiveness of commitment to absolute creativity – – – keeping the spark going for others whose way is too dim for obvious inspiration right now.
4. How can we regain our trust in the mystery?
Queen of Swords
Regain trust in the mystery by silencing the harsh words that you were taught to inflict upon yourself. Do this by disbelieving anyone who moves through the world patronising/condescending/threatening/invading/stealing/lying. Discover your superpower and be bold and unrelenting with it. Those who laugh meanly or threaten rarely do so when standing alone. Know these weaknesses so that you aren’t perturbed by this disguised fear. Trust the mystery when you see people protect sacred wisdom and openminded intelligence with clear hearts and blistering clarity. There’s a huge difference between free speech and hate speech, so seek to quieten those who harm our vibrant and diverse communities. If the aim isn’t to break us out of our conditioned beliefs, then restrain it!
© 2019 Sarah Barry ~ Tarot Readings with Psychic Sarah
This Tarot Reading for the Collective was done with The Prisma Visions Tarot created by James R. Eads © 2013 – 2018. More information about this beautiful and unique tarot deck at
To find out more about how I work go to and
Follow me on Instagram: @sarahthepsychic
If you enjoy these Tarot Readings for the Collective and if you are in Sydney on September 1 2019, you may be interested in coming along to a live Tarot Reading for the Collective! I have been invited to do a live Collective reading at the Sydney Opera House as a part of the Antidote Festival. I’ll be doing a mass reading and inviting community-focussed questions from the audience. Come be a part of creating a tarot reading for the wider community! More information and tickets can be found here.